Eagle Head

Due to variations of color settings and qualities of phone/tablet/computer screens, it is unavoidable that colors will appear differently for everyone.
This majestic Bald Eagle head, our nation's national emblem, can be a magnificent addition to your home or business. Lightweight and easy to install, this stamp can also be used on a vertical wall. Proline offers two versions of the American Bald Eagle- this statuesque head image as well as one in flight (See SA1102). Measuring 9.5" in height and width, this piece makes a bold statement.
Tool Information:
Tool Codes
Tool Name
Length and Width, Approx.
Tool Weight
Eagle Head
Eagle Head Hammered Edge
10" x 10"
10" x 10"
0.5 lbs
0.5 lbs
Optional Accessories
SA1100 Eagle Head & Eagle In Flight Set
SA1100HE Eagle Head & Eagle In Flight set Hammered Edge